Barack Obama Offers Advice to the World
Image credit: Omar Segura
Everyone's favorite narcissist, Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States and master controller of covert drone strikes during his eight-year reign which saw thousands of civilian casualties in foreign lands, embarked on a world tour this past month, being the rock star that he is.
Barry, along with his wife Michelle made a pit stop in Malaysia last week so bovine Malaysian fans could meet with a war criminal. He then dropped by Singapore where he offered sage advice about leadership to another Asian crowd, as though all countries in the world abide by the same cultural and ideological values—though in Obama's defense, Singapore is a Westernized country.
From Business Insider, December 16, 2019.
This is from a guy so self-absorbed that renowned NPD author Sam Vaknin wrote some commentary about it.
Clark Kent’s alter ego and Barack Obama: neither exists as real persons.
Additionally, David Garrow’s thoroughly researched yet critically panned biography, Rising Star (2017), in which former classmates and colleagues of younger Obama echoed the same observations about the guy they personally knew: he liked to butt in other people’s business and impart advice when no asked for it.
Clearly, Obama is speaking from an American perspective which stems from the chaotic mess that is American politics and society in general. Young Americans are made to fight the battles of “adults” who refuse to compromise on divisive issues, be it gun control, police brutality, Israel and Palestine, and much more — major issues that Obama himself, a younger lad, couldn’t resolve while in office.
The first two issues need no explanation, considering violence, fear, and racism are entrenched in American culture, and these cultural values are protected by the extremists, regardless of when they were born. On Israel and Palestine though, it simply comes down to the fact that Obama is one of the most pro-Israeli presidents in US history.
Obama has given Israel considerably more money and arms than any of his predecessors. He has fully lived up to America’s formal commitment to preserve Israel’s “qualitative military edge” by supplying his ally with ever more sophisticated weapons systems. His parting gift to Israel was a staggering military aid package of $38bn for the next 10 years. (The Guardian)
On top of preaching to the rest of the world about what good leadership is, despite his involvement and enabling of chaos and destruction in the world, Obama also makes a bold absolute claim reeking of gender bias:
“Women are indisputably better than men” is an irrational statement, because how the fuck does he know that? I’m glad I had this post hanging for a few days while I thought to myself as I went about my business, I wish there was research to back Obama’s claim.
Fortunately, The Washington Post published this article just yesterday: Obama said that if women ran the world, there’d be less war. Here’s the research.
So, yes and no, which makes his statement void, because not all male leaders are warmongers, either (Jimmy Carter), while women in leadership positions, as indicated in the research, are more likely to use more aggression or advocate for violent intervention just to prove themselves as capable leaders (Hillary Clinton).
On the topic of gender bias, let’s also not disregard the fact that because women are stereotypically believed to be more nurturing, kind, and innocent, abusive behavior is, therefore, more covertly utilized. It’s not like literature throughout human history hasn’t given us some of the most cunning and cruel female characters capable of destroying families, lives, and nations, whether overtly or from behind a man.
Maybe Obama’s mad that he’s less relevant now while old people are getting the attention he yearns, hence world tour, and the bitter ageist jab at those who’re still keeping active and busy instead of retiring quietly.
You started 8 wars after Americans voted you into office, and bragged privately about how good you are at murdering innocent people, Barack. Fade into obscurity now and stay there.