Thanks for stopping by my re-launched site. It’s a work in progress, so please bear with me.

I blog about different topics including books, culture, society, identity, and writing. Opinions are my own and can change. All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

Check back for updates on fiction novels I’ve been working on.

Kids: Proof I Should've Been a Comedian

Kids: Proof I Should've Been a Comedian

Bangkok, 1995.

Bangkok, 1995.

My mother was cleaning out some boxes in storage and found this letter that I'd completely forgotten about. She took a picture of it and sent it to me.

People don't write letters anymore, but I'm glad to have artifacts that have come from and survived friendships that did not stand the test of time, the only remainder of what had once been. Maya Angelou said that people will never forget how you made them feel. At age 10 I made one of my best friends laugh hysterically every day at school.

Is it a better feeling to laugh, or to be the person who makes others laugh? I don’t know.

Science Fiction and Cake

Science Fiction and Cake

The Sinister Undertones of the Song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'

The Sinister Undertones of the Song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'