Predictions for 2024
Image: AI generated via Canva
I was missing in action on this blog for some time but I’m back with a vengeance, and some prophecies regarding Malaysia and the world!
Let’s dive right in.
Najib Razak will be given a royal pardon.
It’d be unwise not to presume that the Malaysian Pardons Board won’t grant Najib Razak a pardon, knowing what we know about how Malaysia is run.
Malaysians are divided into teams. The worst teams will do anything to win and achieve power and recognition, and they’ll use words like integrity, ethics, freedom of speech, democracy, respect, etc, to sound good, while simultaneously demonstrating how they have no clue what those words mean.
The Pardons Board operates in secrecy, so what we can go on, if you’re lacking a crystal ball, is behavioral patterns.
The head of the Pardons Board is the King, who, at the time of writing is the Sultan of Pahang. Other Pardons Board members advise him regarding convicted felons seeking a royal pardon.
Source: MalaysiaNow
The Pardons Board claimed last May that they’d discuss Najib Razak’s application at the appropriate time. Coincidentally, that appropriate time is the last few weeks of January 2024, because January 30th will be the Sultan of Pahang’s last day as Agong. It’s convenient timing, I guess.
Another member of the Pardons Board is reformist leader Anwar Ibrahim. The Fighter of Corruption appointed himself, for some reason, to said board upon gaining power via a piggyback ride courtesy of the party of miscreants, UMNO.
Because that’s not a conflict of interest or anything. It’s actually an indication of how seriously Pakatan Harapan and its hangers-on take corruption. Anwar Ibrahim no doubt wants to sit it on Pardons Board meetings and ensure that corruption isn’t taken lightly.
Ignore the fact that UMNO has been pulling all the stops to get Najib Razak out of his cell at Kajang Prison since he started serving his 12-year sentence in August 2022. And that UMNO members who’d been facing corruption charges suddenly had them dropped or halted last year.
In Zahid Hamidi’s case, guy was facing 47 counts of graft when reformist leader Anwar Ibrahim made him his deputy. At the advisement of the Attorney General at the time, those charges were dropped. Coincidentally, his contract expired at the same time his decision to free Zahid Hamidi was approved by Malaysia’s judiciary.
Idrus Harun hasn’t been heard from since.
Like a kid who sets fire to a house with people inside and then runs and hides behind a tree and watches the commotion that ensues.
In Malaysia, that’s how things work. People are set back by the actions of unscrupulous, cowardly types who’re useful to other similar group members, and they’re protected from ever having to answer for any of it. They fuck things up and run. It’s a sweet deal.
As the Sultan of Pahang vacates the throne this coming January 30, 2024, the country, and the world, will learn of Naib Razak’s fate, and nobody is allowed to question the wisdom of the King. He’ll make his exit and will never have to answer to anyone.
As I said, it’s a great arrangement for the elites. The point is that Malaysia enforces such arrangements that routinely thwart progress, which, in turn, affects the entire society and people are forced to accept it. It leads us to one of the mysteries of life: Why does a country actively engage in counterproductive, self-sabotaging, retarded behavior?
Life in Malaysia, “Truly Asia” will only get worse.
The dysfunctional society that has long existed on fallacies indoctrinating the masses which they’ve passively accepted, the people-pleasing policies that are a direct impediment to progress, and a preserved cycle of abuse isn’t going to advance internally at this point.
Empirical evidence suggests more damage to the poorly developed framework of a thing or person following enough neglect over time.
There’s no actual independence in Malaysia. When folks proudly claim to be independent, while stupidly listing out the list of foreign donors on their website, it means, as already mentioned above but bears repeating, that they don’t understand the meaning of the words they use.
Words are tools conveniently misused and abused to help certain types of people and organizations deceive others while expediently elevating themselves to a position of high regard.
These types of people or groups operate by double standards. They exempt themselves from rules and guidelines they hold others to, and you’re supposed to go along with it.
So, corruption will continue to be a major problem in Malaysia.
Corruption will escalate.
At least on one side. The side that holds and abuses power will, as they already have, continue to purify the image of the corrupt members of their group while punishing their opponents for the same offense.
They’re not interested in genuinely solving problems. Realistically, you can’t do that in Malaysia. There are too many forces that prevent genuine problem-solving because that implies acting for the greater good.
To do something for the greater good requires a significant sacrifice and a willingness to lose something in return on your end. Malaysians on all teams have trouble grasping this idea. This obdurate mentality suggests an incredible degree of selfishness and incomprehension of collectivist values, and in effect, the duties people feel toward one another.
Unbridled control will be accorded to the delusional.
The delusional operate collectively now. They’ve realized there’s power in numbers. Operating like a gang to normalize mediocrity and infantilism, the delusional have serious trouble accepting reality. So they’re in continuous rejection of it. Anything and anyone associated with reality that contradicts their fragile emotional point of view and false belief system must be negated.
They don’t have to say anything true, rational, or that’s rooted in evidence. If more and more of them harass, intimidate, and punish those who challenge them, they can always be victims, heroes, and more importantly, right.
Unofficially, the legalization of delusional Malaysians creating their own rules in their heads at will, and overriding established laws and standards so long as they can feel special and better about themselves, will take effect.
Doesn’t matter, because a lot of laws aren’t enforced here. You won’t really notice anything out of the ordinary. And the delusional have more control over reality here and in the United States — the country the more deluded liberal Malaysians stupidly want to emulate.
A brief overview of the term ‘delusional’:
The underlined text is arguable. The world isn’t the same as it was pre-globalization. And societies don’t operate by the same blueprint. There are different ideologies, philosophies, and dynamics that are at play. Malaysia is a strange, confused place in that it rejects rationality and progress in favor of convenient untruths and taking shortcuts and has made an art form of deception.
Liberals continuously drone on about how Malaysia should be like the US or UK because they think in terms of “sameness.” As though nations can lift the realities of others and apply said complex, highly distinct realities with vastly different histories to their own.
You can’t, because Malaysia is incapable of acknowledging its own reality. It has never undergone the necessary and crucial process of growth internally, hence the absence of a strong, clear definition of what a Malay or Malaysian is. It just comes back to "multiculturalism.” Even the term lacks veracity here.
Malaysian Multiculturalism translates to a country completely divided with no cohesive cultural identity, where people simply coexist without even the basic requirements that serve as the foundation of a strong, healthy nation enforced. ie: Language, a dead horse issue after 67 years of being people pleasers instead of sagacious problem-solvers.
People pleasers create more problems. And when those problems become a monster that’s too big to tackle, people who aren’t problem-solvers amp up the denialism and start espousing blindness rhetoric to
a) pretend there are no problems with Malaysian Multiculturalism
b) deny the possibility that they’re to blame
c) protect the legacies of leaders and rulers of yore whose faults and incompetencies led to the current dysfunctional society
In short, it’s why shit doesn’t get done in Malaysia and nothing moves forward and mentalities never change.
Donald Trump will become US President again.
I had predicted his win against Joe Biden back in 2021 and was wrong. The far-left in the US was just getting started with their lunacy as a reaction to the previous four years of the Trump administration.
And shit has to get worse and worse before it’s bodyslammed by a more potent, clear-sighted force. The upside is that the far-left illustrated for the entire world the severity of their degeneracy. The downside is that a lot of the damage can’t be undone. Or it’ll take a long time to fix.
In other words, things have to get out of control so more people are able to see the truth that’s long been shielded, or due to self-imposed blindness, for a corresponding reaction from the grown-ups of the world to emerge.
The lunacy has to be endured for sanity to triumph.
The darkness has to be suffered to discover the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s considered bad form to presume something even if it’s based on all the horrible shit that’s happened throughout human history, those college degrees you attained in social sciences (obtained for some folks), psychology, books, etc. People don’t understand the disastrous effects of a thing until the destruction happens before their eyes.
It’s kind of an unfortunate process, to have to wait and see the evidence first to prevent dangerous ideologies, behaviors, and people from getting out of hand. But it is what it is.
More people will get sick if they haven’t already.
The more toxic people around you, the more unhealthy you become.
This one’s a no-brainer. A society that is toxic to begin with will generate more mentally and physically unhealthy people. Based on my own experience, every time I found myself in Malaysia, I went through a rapid deterioration. Since moving back to KL in 2019, even with what I already understood by then about many Malaysians, I started losing a lot of weight — mostly because I could no longer cook for myself — and formed a dependency on sleeping pills.
I’d never relied on any medication or drugs for anything before, especially while in the US for 11 years. If I had a bout of insomnia, I took care of it stat. If there was toxicity, and there is a lot of that in the US, I wasn’t near it. Once back in Malaysia, you can’t get away from it.
You can’t get away from narcissists and other character-impaired types because a poorly developed country that had failed at the beginning to consider all the possible problems that could emerge from disregarding the circumstances and remnants of colonial abuses only generates more and more of them.
Which brings me back to the point about delusional people. See above.
This list will be updated with more prophecies, stay tuned.