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I blog about different topics including books, culture, society, identity, and writing. Opinions are my own and can change. All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

Check back for updates on fiction novels I’ve been working on.

Writer's Block Is Real

Writer's Block Is Real

Downtown Crossing, Boston. Image source: unknown

Adrift in a city, I was floating in a sea of bodies
Black, brown, and blonde heads bobbed around me like buoys
Colors speckled like details on Vincent's masterpiece, and I was lost in the noise
Dark days are now memories, but I have many more blank pages just in case
Even the sun’s glares brush against my face
Flaws tear through my skin, reveals where I’ve been
Grey is the pavement, grey is the truth, and the stone walls collapsing within
Heavy is the burden like a broken heart quietly carried
I pray sometimes, because life is a mystery, and so is God, and there are no answers to my queries
Jared and Alex were real, but they wanted to make me tea and then take my clothes off
Know thyself, said Socrates, or you will remain soft
Look both ways even on a one-way street
Mothers push their strollers today, and walk away for eleven years tomorrow, leaving kids incomplete
Neon signs sing their magic like the Pied Piper of Hamelin and lead children to their demise
Obligations abandoned and the seeing blinder than the blind, and the days navigated without eyes
Piquing my interest is the man playing the piano, his fingers tapping and tinkling out a waterfall of emotions in that small, solitary room
Queens and Kings could not command loyalty from the beggared the same way poets do in times of gloom
Rarely is there wealth in the words of royalty as there is in the lifestyle they boast
Summers, like a demolished house, reappear like a ghost
Today will be conquered and so will tomorrow when the day after arrives, but the journey continues like when
Ulysses found his way home after ten years lost at sea, or when one achieves moksha like a Hindu
Viscious warmongers wave their flag above their heads and chant boisterously, in unison, a music of death
We are controlled by lies until our very last breath
Xenos, art thou an enemy stranger, or friend?
Years from now I will reminisce about all the best things that came to an end,
Zealous like a sports fan, I’m just looking for realness in a world of pretend.

Young Love

Young Love

Horror Story: Visiting the English Department

Horror Story: Visiting the English Department