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I blog about different topics including books, culture, society, identity, and writing. Opinions are my own and can change. All images are mine unless stated otherwise.
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As luck would have it, the first person I was formally introduced to once returning to Malaysia back in September is a narcissist. She’s also the first narcissist I’ve ever dealt with who’s well informed about the subject of narcissistic personality disorder, which makes this post, and experience particularly interesting because it goes back to the fact of narcissists are not their jobs.
This chance meeting thus provided me with a great opportunity to study and gain insight into a type of narcissist that’s all too common on social media, that cesspit that’s overflowing with false personas who believe they’re messiahs — people who profit from coaching and influencing or educating others about healing and in Meredith’s case, NPD, while being an abusive person herself as my suspicions were confirmed in subsequent meet-ups.
This is what a bit of the first five minutes of our intro conversation went like:
Me: So what type of online business do you have?
Meredith: I’m a universal healer. I’ve always had the ability to heal people.
Me: (alarm bells going off in my head) Oh, nice.
Meredith then went on to talk about herself and her "savior” status for the next ten minutes until I reminded my mom (who was there; long story I won’t get into because it’ll implicate other people) that we should go because we might be imposing and it was dinner time.
Now, perhaps it’s true that when people show you who they are, you should believe them (overhyped Maya Angelou quote). It’s not that black and white though, like almost everything in life. Con artists switch between personalities and are mercurial by nature. They are false personas, as already talked about if you read my previous posts.
Most people are led to believe the con artists in their lives for years and years because acting is their only gift.
Unless you’ve dealt with enough narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths, learned their behavioral and speech patterns and have learned to catch even the most subtle of hints when you meet someone new. Your instincts will be screaming at you to stay the hell away. That’s when Maya Angelou’s quote applies, I guess.
So, Meredith and I exchanged numbers, because that’s what happens when your mom is there and encouraging you to make new Malaysian friends after being away for so long. Moms know best.