Puppets In the Mainstream Media Are a Disgrace to Journalism
An article on The Guardian website this morning, written by Martin Chulov asks, What could the US target in Syria and how is Russia likely to react?
It refers to the US bombing of Shayrat Airbase last year in response to a chemical attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun that had been attributed to the Syrian government.
That chemical attack, which was widely found to be a false flag by numerous accounts, including in an article by renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, poses the question: why is such an irresponsible and moronic article published on The Guardian website, supposedly a reputable news source?
Also disturbing is the author's style of writing as he muses about this potential airstrike on Syria. It's as though he's describing a video game, or casually and giddily going over some plans for an excursion with a pathetic sense of importance: The US maintains a naval battle group in the eastern Mediterranean, well stocked with over-the-horizon missiles....Striking from the west poses fewer problems all around. French jets could hit Syrian targets after taking off from French airfields. If Britain joins the fray, it has a base on nearby Cyprus, a short hop from Syria.... The opposition pipe dream remains the ousting of the regime.
Palestinian journalist Yasir Murjata killed by the IDF earlier this month. (Mohammed Talatene/AP)
How Chulov writes about the West's eagerness to bomb Syria reflects the overall attitude of Americans and their friends in how wholly detached they are from reality and civility. Most journalists today, and especially those in the mainstream media consistently reveal themselves to be nothing more than propaganda tools in a frenzy. They demean a profession and its purpose while foreign journalists who are committed to telling truths in the countries of which these Western journalists promote destruction are killed.
Are chemical attacks by the evil Bashar al-Assad the new weapons of mass destruction and evil Saddam Hussein? These howls for war and bombings to be spearheaded by the barbaric US drown out any rationality that could remind these warmongers of the repercussions, like what had followed after the destruction of Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan. The only person in the mainstream media that's actually speaking out as the voice of reason against these hawks is Tucker Carlson, a political commentator on Fox News.
From Carlson's segment on Syria :
"All the geniuses tell us that Assad killed those children. But do they really know that? Of course they don't really know that. They're making it up. They have no real idea what happened. Actually, both sides in the Syrian civil war possess chemical weapons. How would it benefit Assad using chlorine gas last weekend – well, it wouldn't. Assad's forces were winning the war in Syria...That's good news for Assad, and about the only thing he could do to reverse it and to hurt himself would be to use poison gas against children. Well he did it anyway, they tell us. He's that evil! Please. Keep in mind this was the same story they told us last April. Do you remember that?....Two months ago the Secretary of Defense admitted that actually, we still have no proof that Assad used sarin gas last year. The story, it turns out was propaganda. It was designed to manipulate Americans, just like so much of what they say."
Anyone with a conscience should be applauding Carlson – nevermind that he works for Fox, that actually makes it more impressive – for rising above all of the puppets in the media and showing integrity that was once central to journalism and reporting, and now, like all things considered sacred, utterly profaned due to American propaganda, widespread corruption and bloodlust.