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The Fashion Industry's Racist Stunts Are All Deliberate

The Fashion Industry's Racist Stunts Are All Deliberate

Models cry about getting no respect in the abusive fashion industry, effectively enforcing a stereotype about models—they’re stupid.

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I realized something hilarious while living as an outsider in the United States for eleven years — that despite the countless and never-ending cycle of abuse inflicted upon people of color, through whichever medium, and the outrage, protests, parades, public condemnation, and educational initiatives that ensues, nothing is really learned.


The problems and customary dialogues persist, almost always from within the civilized Western world where race is quite a popular topic of discussion, yet the plain psychology of covert white supremacists and predators of all colors—using the same tried and true tactics to control and provoke racial minorities for a reaction—is disingenuously overlooked.

Every stunt is calculated and another manipulative tactic used to prompt people of color to plead at the feet of their abusers for validation and basic humane treatment.

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In an industry where narcissists run rampant, and abuse is inflicted, accepted, and tolerated by all parties to reaffirm the idea that there is one race that reigns supreme, that’s universally appealing, why should anyone give a shit, really? The fashion industry was built on the concept of objectification. Amazingly, there are folks who never got the memo on something stupidly obvious at this point and then whine about not getting respect from monsters. Everyone should just let the fashion world self-implode. It will, eventually.

The jig is up. Some of us have caught on to these amusing antics pulled by eternal children who like playing dress-up. The 2014 editorial image below shows Garage Magazine’s Editor-In-Chief sitting on a chair designed in the form of a black woman. The picture was published on Martin Luther King, Jr Day.


When I first saw this photo and the outrage it drew back in 2014 I, too, raised an eyebrow and felt embarrassed for the white lady who graduated from an American university with a degree in Literature. Knowing a little bit more now than I did then, though, I see things a little differently: A member of a deeply insecure and juvenile group of people belonging to a self-designated “superior” race desperately wanted attention and to showcase her dominance by degrading people of color — on MLK day, coincidentally — under the guise that “it’s just art,” knowing full well that it’d produce a reaction.

People of color walk into the trap every time and are also enablers of the “ignorant” whites who control and dehumanize them via manipulative antics. Probably because they orchestrate it all with a warm smile and earnest rhetoric.

You can get away with almost anything as long as you lay on the charm. Most people lap that shit up, and then feel dirty afterward. It’s not like they’re going to collectively boycott those massive cesspits, Hollywood, and the fashion industry. In the end, everyone is exploiting each other for validation, ensuring that the cycle of abuse continues. You’re getting paid, and clearly want to be there in that soul-destroying industry. Stop moaning or get out of the toxicity.

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